
raider | housing | omnicrafter| pvp

animation and content creator for ffxiv.

❤︎ Do NOT share, re-upload, or sell files publicly, online, or on other servers.❤︎ Do NOT claim motions as your own.❤︎ Please credit the original MMD creator when using their motions.


i love my body


feel special

love me like this

fast forward

mashle dance

batter up

the other side

7 rings


♡ affects: heel toe
♡ IVCS Required
♡ Optional Ear Physics (Miqote)
♡ Tail Physics
♡ Works on ALL races (may clip on Lalafell)
♡ Skirt clipping may occur
♡ Audio set to BGM


Feel Special - TWICE


❤︎ commissioned artwork❤︎ click a photo to learn more about the artist